Introducing ScrumYo!
ScrumYo is a command line tool that shows you all of your recent GitHub commits and pull requests. It helps you get quickly prepared for your daily scrum/stand up meeting.

What’d you get done yesterday?
Almost every morning I’d be scrambling through my Git logs to remember exactly what I finished yesterday. So I wrote ScrumYo.
Hey, it’s time for scrum, yo. - My Co-workers
How to use it…
Install it like any other gem.
$ gem install scrum_yo
Or, if you’re using RVM, add it to your global gemset.
$ rvm @global do gem install scrum_yo
Once installed, use the scrumyo command.
$ scrumyo
The first use you’ll be asked to login to your GitHub account (it even works with two-factor auth!).
Enjoy! Let me know what you think.
The source is on GitHub.